El primer paso en el velero- un curso intensivo para principiantes de 2 días
150€ *descuento para residentes
Un curso de 2 días para personas que desean aprender la navegación. Después de este curso recibirás las habilidades básicas. Actualmente ofrecemos este curso solo en ingles. Os invitamos a encontrar la oferta de este curso en ingles.
This course is designed for all those who have very little experience sailing or have never tried it before!
Firstly there will be some theory to teach you how a boat is built, what is sailing and how to sail safely! Then there will be the most exciting part of the course – practice on the water. Our experienced instructor will help you make your first steps on a sailboat! We promise it will be loads of fun!
After the course you will have basic sailing skills and you will be able to proceed to our stage 2 training!
Unlike other sailing schools we teach on sailing dinghies (recreational- racing sailboats) instead of cruising yachts! Dinghy sailing is more dynamic and in our opinion much more exciting than sailing on big yachts, but what’s more important for you it will allow you experience how the wind and the sailboat works much better.
1 session: theory: 1.5h
- safety
- yacht construction and yacht equipment
- basic knots, berthing, mooring
- the theory of sailing and basic manouvers: points ofsail
- rigging
2 sessions: practice 1,5h
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- casting off
- keeping the course
- heading up/bearing away
3 session: 15 minut theory
- tacking
3 session: 1:15 h practice
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- casting off
- practicing tacking
- preparing main and jib to furl
- berting
4 session: 15 minut theory:
- jibing
4 session: 1:15 h practice
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- casting off
- practicing jibing
- preparing main and jib to furl
- berting
SIGMA ACTIVE OCEAN eslora: 6 m – Velas: 17 m2 – número de tripulantes: 2-5
Todos los dias desde lunes hasta domingo.
Nos escribe para mas informaciones.
Amarilla Sailing Club puede ayudarte para encontrar alojamiento.
Amarilla Sailing Club is located in Marina San Miguel in the south of Tenerife. There are plenty of bars, restaurants and cafes near the Marina, so you won’t get bored after the training!
Our marina is surrounded by the picturesque beaches, plus there are plenty of hiking and cycling routes!
• 6 hours course
• charter – Sigma Active Ocean
• assecuration of a RIB type motor boat
• experienced coaches
• professional buoys and teaching aids
•educational materials
• access to the Amarilla Sailing Club base (with changing rooms, lockers, sun loungers and wifi)

Nivel II- para los tripulantes intermedios
150€ *descuentos para residentes
El curso para las personas que tienen alguna experiencia en navegación o para los que han terminado nuestro curso de nivel básico. Actualmente ofrecemos el curso solo en ingles. Os invitamos a encontrar la oferta de este curso en ingles.
This course is designed for those who already have some sailing experience but still need to practice their skills or those who had complieted our ‘First steps on a sailboat’ course.
On this course you will get all the necessary knowledge and training to safely sail on your own. We will focus on practicing tacking and jibing, we will show you how to stand in a drift and sail with gennaker.
This course is a great option for people who have previously sailed as a crew on cruising yachts and now would like to try dinghy sailing- which is much more dynamic and exciting form of sailing.
After compliting the course you will be able to independently sail on our Sigma Active Ocean dingies- of course under a watchful eye of our instructor assisting you on a RIB boat.
1 session: 30 minutes theory:
- revision of safety
1 session: 1 h practice:
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- casting off
- practicing tacking and jibing
- preparing main and jib to furl
- berting
2 session: 15 minutes theory:
- how to stand in a drift
2 session: 1:15 hour practice:
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- casting off
- standing in a drift
- preparing main and jib to furl
- berting
3 session: 30 minutes theory
- lecture how to cast off and to dock
3 session: 1 h practice
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and jib
- practicing casting off and docking
4 session: 1,5 h practice
- preparing to get underway
- preparing to set main and genaker
- casting off
- practicing sailing with genaker
- preparing main and genaker to furl
- berting
SIGMA ACTIVE OCEAN eslora: 6 m – Velas: 17 m2 – número de tripulantes: 2-4
Todos los dias desde lunes hasta domingo.
Nos escribe para mas informaciones.
Amarilla Sailing Club puede ayudarte para encontrar alojamiento.
Amarilla Sailing Club is located in Marina San Miguel in the south of Tenerife. There are plenty of bars, restaurants and cafes near the Marina, so you won’t get bored after the training!
Our marina is surrounded by the picturesque beaches, plus there are plenty of hiking and cycling routes!
• 6 hours course
• charter – Sigma Active Ocean
• assecuration of a RIB type motor boat
• experienced coaches
• professional buoys and teaching aids
•educational materials
• access to the Amarilla Sailing Club base (with changing rooms, lockers, sun loungers and wifi)

¡Regata con Amarilla Sailing Club! ¡Evento de un día para el 4 personas como mínimo!
55€ (4-8 personas)* 45€ (>8)* *descuentos para residentes
Dependiendo de su elección podemos organizar carreras por equipos o regata clásica (máximo 4 barcos). La ruta y la duración de la regata se ajustarán a tus habilidades y a las condiciones climáticas. Los equipos pueden variar entre 2 y 4 personas.
Comenzaremos con una sesión informativa para la regata en nuestro club de playa y terminaremos allí con la entrega de la copa para los ganadores. Además, podemos organizar una fiesta después de la carrera con una barbacoa, pizza, bebidas y música en nuestro club de playa.
SIGMA ACTIVE OCEAN eslora: 6 m – Velas: 17 m2 – número de tripulantes: 2-4
- Alquiler del Sigma Active Ocean
- Acompañamiento de la zodiac (RIB)
- Organización de la regata
- Árbritro en la zodiac (RIB) durante las carreras
- Arneses
- Presentación de la regata y entrega de la copa
- La fiesta-barbacoa después de la regata, bebidas, etc… (desde 5 € por persona para la opción básica)